Journal with me


When we are going through any process of change (for example: therapy, life transitions, any crisis), there will be a lot of things that don’t make sense in that moment – thoughts and feelings that surface which we struggle to make sense of. All of this can be way too much stuff to keep in our heads, and this can lead us into unhelpful thought-loops and stagnant ways of being. It is easier to process what we are going through when we can “map it out” or express it outside our heads. Thinking often exacerbates the problem and can easily get us into Overwhelm. Journaling is a safe space for you to express your truth privately. It is also a place where you can ask yourself some big Life-questions if you feel stuck or lost. It’s a great practice to help you gain clarity.

…Make space in your head for the good stuff…


Journaling is not the same as keeping a diary. But rather see it as a workbook on you. It is where you can safely work on your Self and it can be your sacred space to develop and grow your own wisdom.

It can take any form that suits you so long as you make it easy for you to commit to regular log-ins. Personally I like the old-fashioned handwriting and there is something very healing, soothing, and nurturing about this way of downloading stuff through your arm as the thoughts, ideas, insights, questions, or answers are still forming… onto paper. I work with clients who keep a visual journal sometimes not using any words, only images. Others use bullet points on their phones whilst others still find their laptops easier and “more secure”. Even more others simply doodle when they are stressed as a way of grounding themselves and “clearing the debris” as one client called it.

Find what works for you. It is nobody’s business what’s in your journal but see it as a safe space where you can go and figure out whatever Life is throwing your way… in your own way!

…See it as a workbook on You…


Well, that’s up to you. You don’t have to write every day, but you’ll feel the benefits if you get into a regular practice. Please remember it is not a diary, so focus on you if you find yourself gossiping or making comments about others in your life. For example: if a friend has upset you. You could call your friend all sorts of names in your journal but what would be more helpful for your own wellbeing would be to ask yourself what was it about what was said that upset you so? Or where does that hurt sit in your body, and what could you do to release it?

If you don’t know how to start journaling, just sit with your feelings and try to describe them as you write. This is one way to start separating your thinking from your feeling. Too many people are afraid of their emotions and end up thinking their feelings instead of feeling them.


…You don’t have to write every day…

I often share journal prompts in my sessions…. prompts on topics such as self-esteem, relationships, anxiety, emotions, dreams and goals, transitions, grief and loss.

Follow me on Instagram for some of my prompts